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German soldiers in British Channel Islands 1940s. Public Domain.
WWII Red Cross Message Bureau - message to occupied Guernsey, 1942
A brief message to her parents from Mrs. L. Rouget ⁹(Bunty) and addressed to Mrs. G. Beeson, “Wytham”, Rosaire Avenue, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, C.I. with their reply on the reverse. Red Cross Message Bureau headstamp 501, Watlington House, Reading.
This message sheet has survived in great condition considering the flimsiness of the paper. Red Cross and British authority 'PASSED' ink stamps faded but the blue Deutsches Rotes Kreuz letter stamp is quite clear. Two insignificant fold marks, some minor creasing and edge nicks do not detract from this intimate insight into family life during Germany's occupation of the Channel Islands.
The only British territory to be occupied - the Nazi invasion of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark began in June 1940, and they would remain there until the end of the war in Europe in 1945. Hitler regarded the islands as a potential springboard for the invasion of mainland Britain. The British government on the other hand regarded the islands as having little strategic value and were reluctant to invest money and resources in their defence. The islands were demilitarised in secret and some of the population were evacuated to the mainland, including around 80% of school-age children, many being separated from their parents. Initially, the Nazi rule over the islands followed a policy of non-threatening presence, but with the passage of time the reality of the brutal Nazi ideology became obvious. There is much information in books and online about the fate of the Channel Islands during WWII, a unique period of great complexity with a series of associated events that can form the basis of a lifetime of interest.
H:22.5 x W:14.5cm £23.00 + £2.70 P&P UK
WWI personal letter regarding the death of Miles Partington, Royal Irish Fusiliers
49980 Private Miles Robert Partington, 1st Bn. Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers), died on 2nd September 1918, aged 24. Commemorated at Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Son of David and Margaret Ellen Partington, of 12, York Street, Atherton, Manchester.
This poignant type-written letter of reply was sent by Alice Partington (sister of Miles) on behalf of her mother and herself to Mr. Hurt (Commanding Officer?) thanking him for personally writing a letter to her mother telling her of her son's death, and which they were grateful to have received before the official notification.
It is interesting to note the tone of this lovely letter, almost matter of fact in some ways, and giving such a sad and intimate insight of those times. A copy was made and exhibited in the Samlesbury Hall WWI exhibition from 2014 - 2021.
Good quality notepaper with Sorbostyle watermark. Considering this is an old document that has been folded in a number of directions the overall condition remains sound. Some of the creasing is quite pronounced with slight deterioration of the edges and some minor foxing. The importance of the words is of course what really matters, and everything remains clear and readable..
Supplied with A4 print-out from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
H:33 x W:20.3cm
£20.00 + £2.70 P&P UK
Rare and unique WWII linked documents and photos - Edvard Benes, president of the Czechoslovakian government in exile in London and Mrs. Jaraslave Kavale-ova, staff member of the Czechoslovakian Embassy in London
A fascinating bundle of ephemera originally belonging to a lady called Mrs. Jaraslave Kavale-ova, who was on the staff of the Czechoslovakian Embassy in London (her husband was killed in action in France 1944) who would have been present to witness the visits of Czech dignitaries and have access to official photographs. A spin-off from her story relates to Edvard Benes, president of Czechoslovakia from 1935 to 1938 and from 1939, president of the Czechoslovak government-in-exile in the UK throughout WWII. It was the political wrangling over Hitler's claim to the German-speaking Sudetenland which created the crisis causing the resignation of the Czech government. A skilled diplomat, Benes worked tirelessly for his country particularly throughout WWII having close links with Churchill and MI6 and shared information with them obtained from a Czech underground movement with links to a high ranking officer in German military intelligence. He was also on friendly terms with Joseph Stalin and closely cooperated with Soviet intelligence before the war. Sadly before Edvard Benes’ death in September 1948, fierce post-war political wrangling caused both the Soviet and Czechoslovak media to launch a campaign of vilification against him, and that viscous political attack combined with poor health left him a broken man.
Before going into exile in October 1938, Edvard Benes directed General Jan Syrovy to head a national unity government and as Prime Minister, Syrovy was forced to accept the terms of the Munich agreement. Despite being under Gestapo surveillance and clandestinely supporting the Czech resistance movement, he was arrested after the war on charges of treason, found guilty and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in harsh conditions.
NB. In April 2024, the High Court in Prague announced that the case would be reopened after new facts have emerged questioning the previous ruling. This follows efforts by Jan Syrovy's descendants to clear his name.
The original photographs are relevant as follows:
Top left - Group of six men, seated on the left is Jan Syrovy wearing his eye-patch. He lost his right eye at the Battle of Zborov in 1917, the last Russian offensive of WWI. Official ink stamp plus a hand written caption on the reverse clearly acknowledges the presence of J. Syrovy, the other gentlemen have not been identified. W:25.5 x H:21.5cm.
Top right - Edvard Benes at a reception in London. Typewritten caption roughly translates as: Trustees and editors of the K.P.R. at the reception by Mr. President on 28/X/1943. This has been signed in ink by Benes and signatures of others who were also present can be found on the reverse. W:21 x H:16.4cm.
Bottom - a group of dignitaries (Edvard Benes front centre) and military personnel, possibly at the Cenotaph. Ink stamp to reverse: Central Press Photos Ltd. Fleet Street. This photograph must not be used for reproduction. W:21.2 x H:15.9cm.
The larger of the two letters (prominent watermark - EXCELSIOR) was issued by the Czechoslovak Embassy, Air and Military Attache and roughly translated is in effect a death certificate confirming that Jan Kavale, born on December 15 in Macicich, district of Susice, belonging to Vojnice, district of Strakonice in CSR, died as a lieutenant of the Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade on November 5th, 1944, in the battles near Dunkirk in France. This confirmation is issued as a document for the issuance of a certificate of citizenship and the issuance of a travel passport to his wife, Mrs. Jaroslava Kavale-ova.
Issued in London on 12th April, 1948 Signed on behalf of the Military and Air Attache CSR
NB. The Czechoslovak Independent Armoured Brigade consisting of expatriate Czechoslovaks were organised and equipped in the UK in September 1943 with a wide variety of tanks including the Cromwell and 17-pounder Shermans (Firefly). They landed in Normandy in August 1944 with the task of holding down the German-held port of Dunkirk for the duration of the war in Europe which resulted in fierce exchanges until the garrison eventually surrendered on 9th May 1945 The Czechs captured over 15,000 German troops and three U-boats.
During the siege of Dunkirk, the Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade suffered 668 casualties; 167 dead, 461 wounded, and 40 missing. On the list (Ref: was a young Brigade Staff Officer, Lieutenant Jan Kavale, killed just a few weeks before his 30th birthday while clearing a damaged tank near Ghyvelde.
The smaller letter, again issued by the Czechoslovak Embassy later the same month reads as follows:
This is to certify that Mrs. Jaroslava KAVALE-ova, a Czechoslovak national, is a member of the staff at the Czechoslovak Embassy, Office of the Military and Air Attache in London.
Signature and official stamp over Lt. Colonel Z. Hrncir. Deputy Military and Air Attache 29th April, 1948.
The CSR (Czechoslovak Republic) passport valid for all countries of the world issued in August 1944 and subsequently renewed as required to Mrs. Jaroslava KAVALE-ova who was born in London on 28th October 1913. Each page has the letters CSR top right created by holes drilled through the paper. Staples are corroded and detached from the board cover but all pages are firmly held together and remain connected to the cover boards via a fine multi-coloured cord attached to the inner cover by a small square of officially overstamped adhesive paper. Otherwise excellent condition.
The relevance of the newspaper cutting remains a mystery. It appears to be from The New Times of Burma - incorporating the Rangoon Liberator (deduced from partial wording overleaf). NB. The formal handover of power from colonial authorities to the newly formed government of Burma was commemorated at the lawn of the grandiose Government House, Rangoon on 4th January 1948.
£200.00 + £6.00 P&P UK
WWII original photograph - Women's Land Army
The British Women's Land Army was originally created in 1917 by the Board of Agriculture to take on the role of farm workers, replacing the men who had enlisted in the miitary. Disbanded in 1919, it was re-formed in June 1939 as Britain once more prepared for war.
A good size (6in x 8in) unit photo, possibly a farewell gathering before being disbanded, taken outside ‘Gardens Bar’ (exact location not known, but may be significant). There are a number of interesting points of reference eg: Many WLA armbands are visible, each with numerous triangular ('half-pip') badges sewn on. These were issued for every 6 months of service and were sewn back to back to create a complete diamond shape. Also a number of 'star' shaped proficiency badges are visible, so obviously these women have served for some time. Perhaps wishful thinking, but the lady seated front row far right looks a little like Lady Denman who was the Director of the WLA during WWII.
The photo is bowed with a number of soft creases and indentations / stress marks. One small tear lower right hand edge. Reverse is blank.
H:15.5 x W:20.3cm £12.00 + £1.55 P&P UK
NB. WWII Women's Land Army milking stool and badge in Home Front section.
WWII original photograph - Women's Land Army
A good size original photograph showing a group of 'Land Girls' all with splendid hairstyles and neatly attired in their green jerseys, tan breeches and sturdy brown shoes - possibly new recruits.
Over 200,000 women and girls aged between 19 and 40 were employed between 1939 up to 1950 and replaced male farm workers who had gone to war. Their role was critical in increasing the country’s food production. Despite having little to no agricultural experience, they ploughed fields, grew produce, milked cows, caught rats, drove tractors - and much more
An interesting period photo (location unknown), and perfect reference for anyone with a particular interest in the subject matter. Although not flat, it is in reasonably good condition, with sharp edges and is very clean. Small stress indent bottom left corner and a 'soft crease' running along the bottom edge and two smaller ones at the top. Reverse is blank.
H:13.7 x W:17.5cm £12.00 + £1.55 P&P UK
NB. WWII Women's Land Army milking stool and badge in Home Front section.
WWII photographs - Heer (German Army) interest
Two related photos - one with a young NCO lying on the grass with his pet dachshund (one man and his dog), holding the lead in his left hand - the second photo this time with his girlfriend? who is holding the dog. Both are slightly bowed but in good clean condition. Printed on the reverse of both is the Agfa Lupex logo of the German photographic company that became known as Agfa post-war.
The third unassociated photo, again a (wounded and recovering) NCO who seems to be in very high spirits, no doubt encouraged by his female companion. Also in good condition with the words Junker H857 Koblenz printed on the reverse.
Two photos at: 9 x 6cm. One at 6 x 6cm.
£9.00 + £0.85 P&P UK
WWII photograph - Kriegsmarine (German Navy) interest
'A thorn between two roses' - a quite charming snap showing a relaxed and perhaps bashful German seaman (his eyes are shut) no doubt on leave. On the reverse is a pencil 'scribble' and the word LEONAR faintly printed. Leonar was the brand name for cameras and photographic paper made by Leonar-Werke Arndt & Löwengard in Wandsbek, near Hamburg. Overall condition is a little 'tired' with slight grubbyness to the reverse and light creasing across two corners.
H:6 x W:9cm £4.00 + £0.85 P&P UK
WWII original German photographs
Three unrelated snapshots, two of which have handwritten inscriptions on the reverse, roughly translated as follows:
Top - on field telephone (removed from an album): 'Our regiment's friend Oberst Friedrich'.
Middle portrait - "My old darling, I am a prisoner of war, remember me 14/1/43".
Bottom - German / Italian Axis powers - blank reverse.
Two in very good condition, middle photo has surface creasing marks.
H:6 x W:9cm approx.
£9.00 + £0.85 P&P UK
WWII German stamped envelope with hand written letter and photograph
Four page letter addressed to Frau Clara Engel in Rodener Strasse, Wiesbaden, written on 11.4.43 and posted a day later in Dresden utilising a 12-PfennIg stamp with the head of Hitler.
Translation as follows.
Dear Clara and Rudi, I have arrived safely in Dresden Thursday morning at 8 o' clock. I departed by train Wednesday night at 11.30pm. Hope you arrived safely at home. I am comfortable here. I cannot talk to Inge, she is not right in her head.
I am not bothered about her any more. Everyday I see mother. I have already seen my sisters-in-law, they were very happy. It is very peaceful here and I can forget everything. People can sleep here in peace, it seems Dresden isn’t as easy to find. (Allied bombers?). The weather is not so nice, as I left home everything was flowering and here it is cold. Hope you are feeling better again. I have trouble with my heart. Next week Tuesday I return home. Hope the weather improves. My older sister-in-law Frieda is here with her young son. He cries like a young bird. The child is already so old but not yet christened. I don't know what is wrong with the youth today. Your mother has no interest in the child and gives it to strangers to look after it. In 3 weeks he will be at his grandmother. The mother can't be bothered. Now all the best and greetings to Rudi and to you. Your sister, Greetings from Frieda and Inge
An interesting insight into everyday life in Germany during the height of the war. Wiesbaden suffered its first air raid in May, 1941 and was subsequently bombed hundreds of times by both British and American planes. Dresden escaped the attention of the Allies until February 1945 when multiple air raids resulted in the infamous firestorm and destruction of the city.
The photograph (9 x 6cm) was with the letter inside the envelope - no doubt a farewell snap. (No mention of this in the letter so possibly unassociated?)
All in good condition.
£16.00 P&P UK £2.10
German WWII studio portrait - Kriegsmarine Petty Officer (Maat)
A large size and totally captivating image by a professional photographer printed on an off-white matte finish bromide paper without border. Details on the cap badges are soft being slightly out of focus giving greater emphasis to the striking features.
Very good condition. MInor deterioration to corners and one small scuff mark top left. A few minor marks to the reverse and what appears to be a pencil inscription across the top edge, only very faint traces of which remain.
H:23.9 x W:17.9cm £17.00 + £2.90 P&P UK
Prospecting permit - Cripple Creek Colorado (Independence)
Granted to Wilson & Co. from April 18 1925 to Jan 1 1926 and written in pencil 'Cancelled'. This has been folded several times but remains in good condition apart from where it has been torn from the filing mechanism. Watermark reads: ??DINE PARCHMENT
NB. Cripple Creek was a former small mining town which grew out of nowhere when a prospector called Bob Womak found small amounts of gold in 1890. This soon led to the discovery of rich vein deposits they called the Independence Lode, creating a major gold rush. By the early 1900s Cripple Creek was fully established with a railroad passing through and by 1910 the town had produced 22million ounces of gold with no signs of slowing down - they are still mining there to this day. Cripple Creek is now a major tourist destination.
H:33 x W:20.5cm
£10.00 + £2.70 P&P UK
WWII Alexander Club, Rome - folder and postcards
The Club (named after General Alexander) was created in a commandeered department store, with six floors centred around a roofed open space. Published by NAAFI / EFI, this is the complete set of 16 cards, with original paper folder, depicting the full range of facilities available to servicemen. The reverse of each card is captioned accordingly. The folder has suffered badly from light staining which contrasts vividly with the natural colour. The postcards have yellowed around the edges but this is far less noticeable, one in particular has yellowed on the reverse mimicking the stain on the folder. All cards are in sound condition, corners remaining quite sharp and no tears or creases. None have been written on.
The Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) provided recreational establishments and sold goods to servicemen (and their families). The EFI (Expeditionary Force Institutes) provided NAAFI facilities in war zones.
H:10.5 x W:15.5cm £10.00 + £2.50 P&P UK
WWII Wehrpass and Ausmusterungsschein (certificate of rejection) - Fritz Schweiniger
Fritz Schweiniger, born 06/04/1894, was registered for military service and issued with his Wehrpass book on 21st August 1943. The very same day he was issued with a Ausmusterungsschein - a document given to those who were unfit / disabled and "totally unsuitable to serve the army". Both police and army officials had to sign off these documents and of course forging / misuse was a criminal offence. An unusual item in excellent vintage condition.
£45.00 + £3.05 P&P UK
WWII theatre programme for Lot's Wife, by Peter Blackmore - Alexandria, January 1945
Presented by The ServiS Players for the benefit of service personnel. An interesting item of ephemera from wartime Egypt, comprising 20 pages in total with some background about the ServiS Players and a wide variety of advertisements which are themselves very interesting - particularly the one for Four Square cigarettes. "Everything ends in smoke" says the NFS girl, "but it might as well be good smoke”.
Inscription in ink on centre spread. Probably very few of these programmes have survived so assumed scarce. In reasonable condition with rust bleed from staples. Centre section detached.
H:20 x W:14cm £7.00 + £2.10 P&P UK
British Field Post postcard August 1918
Stamped ‘Passed by Censor No. 1484’. This is the sixth version of the Censor stamp which appeared in October 1917. All letters and cards written by soldiers on active service could be sent free of charge but subject to censorship.
H:14 x W:9cm £7.00 + £1.00 P&P UK
WWII era songs sheet music
Great titles from the 40s - a reminder that music and entertainment were important morale boosters. Evocative cover designs epitomise the style and mood of the war years. The Handsome Territorial has illustrated dance steps. Oh! What a surprise… owner’s name handwritten in ink - Eleanor Shaw 14/2/41.
All in well-used condition, with creases and the odd torn corner.
£12.50 + £3.50 P&P UK
WWII birthday card from a P.O.W.
The German authorities authorized a Prisoner Of War postal service (Kriegsgefangenenpost) during WWII, to both send and receive correspondence, subject to strict rules and censorship. This example dated 16th May 1944 and addressed to Mr. & Mrs. F. Norman, 2316 Paisley Road West, Glasgow SW2 from ‘John’, has been artistically embellished as a birthday card for his parents.
Fold mark and two small tears but reasonably good condition.
H: 9.5 x W: 14.7cm
£14.00 + £2.08 P&P UK
WWII British S & A Class submarines engineering drawing - 40BHP motor for compressors
Printed on cloth - Makers drawing No. 1081/43L dated 07/10/43. Produced by Laurence Scott & Electromotors Ltd. Norwich. The S Class submarines of the Royal Navy were designed and built during the modernisation of the submarine force in the early 1930s and were improved between 1940 - 1945. The A Class (Amphion) were designed to be used in the Pacific where speed, the ability to dive deep and effective air conditioning were vital requirements for operating in that theatre. Good condition, with fold creases.
W:113 x H:80cm Folded: W:28 x H:19cm
£25.00 + £4.45 P&P UK
Die Deutsche Arbeitsfront Mitgliedsbuch, WWII DAF membership book to Hermann Schmidt - bricklayer
Interesting group of associated items comprising membership book with stamps to confirm dues paid (August 1935 to December 1944), a solicitor's letter confirming the signing of a house purchase contract and a Feldpost letter with a tantilising admission "I was with Ingrid alone in the cinema". The last two documents associated with a Paul Stolze.
When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the free trade unions were dissolved and their members were absorbed into the newly created DAF - Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labor front). The aims were to create a national community of professional and manual labourers, and to educate them in National Socialist principles. Membership benefits included entertainment, sport, and travel opportunities provided by the attached KdF - "Kraft durch Freude" (Strength through Joy), welfare organization.
£25.00 + £2.45 P&P UK
Original WWI era aviation photographs
Includes three large images of a captured Halberstadt CLII. Each is ink stamped on the reverse: 'No. 3 Advanced Section, Army Printing and Stationery Services'. Plus two small photographs with handwritten captions on the reverse: ‘This is the new bus for passengers. Note the 2 windows’. ‘This is the passenger bus front view. Balfour flew in this one to Peace Conference’. All photos curled slightly but good vintage condition.
Aeronautical booklet - Supplement to the Hotspur - ‘The Deathless Squadron’s Greatest Flights’. Minor discolouration, creasing, and foxing but no rips or tears.
Photos: 21 x 16cm & 6.4 x 4.4cm
£20.00 + £3.55 P&P UK
Original WWI aviation photographs
Interesting collection of damaged aircraft sections. Eight prints which include a 'Tailplane of Gotha brought down by the French' x 3 off. Friedrichshafen twin-engine machine damaged section x 1 off. Junker (armoured) two-seater x 4 off.
All photos curled slightly but in good vintage condition. One or two slightly grubby, one with creases top right
Varying sizes. Largest: 21.5 x 16cm Smallest: 17.5 x 12.5cm
£14.00 + £3.55 P&P UK